[:en]Contingency Trumps Certainty[:ja]危機管理は確実さに勝る[:]

[:en]Even though Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe now has the power to enact a state of emergency, he has hesitated doing so citing lack of evidence so far for meeting the conditions. Yet lack of evidence and evidence of lack are not the same thing, and you need not make the same mistake in leading […]

[:en]Sanguine Leadership[:ja]楽観的リーダーシップ[:]


[:en]The COVID-19 panic that has enveloped Japan and other countries in the world is primarily driven by sensationalism in media reporting giving people around the world a skewed perception of a personal health risk, which in Japan and the U.S. alike, is in reality exceedingly remote. Yet the real health risk is largely illusory. My wife […]

[:en]You Are Not Carlos Ghosn[:ja]あなたはカルロス・ゴーンにあらず[:]

[:en]Some have argued the reason for Carlos Ghosn’s legal trouble is for having pushed change too hard—that he crossed some kind of Japanese nationalistic redline in wanting to merge Nissan and Renault, giving the French company control over the Japanese entity. Had Ghosn been more conservative in his actions, they reason, he would not be […]
