[:en]No Need to Know the New Normal[:ja]現在の危機が過ぎ去った後の世界を正確に予想する必要はない[:]

[:en]A robust strategy, as we emerge from this crisis, is not about the ability to guess right about the new normal, but rather, to make right, come what may. Watch this video to learn more. [:ja]現在の危機が終わろうとしている時に必要となる確固たる戦略において大切なものは、その後の世界を正確に予測する能力ではなく、何が起ころうが正しく対応する能力です。 それについてこのビデオで語らせて頂きましたので、ご覧ください。 [:]

[:en]Contingency Trumps Certainty[:ja]危機管理は確実さに勝る[:]

[:en]Even though Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe now has the power to enact a state of emergency, he has hesitated doing so citing lack of evidence so far for meeting the conditions. Yet lack of evidence and evidence of lack are not the same thing, and you need not make the same mistake in leading […]

[:en]Sanguine Leadership[:ja]楽観的リーダーシップ[:]


[:en]The COVID-19 panic that has enveloped Japan and other countries in the world is primarily driven by sensationalism in media reporting giving people around the world a skewed perception of a personal health risk, which in Japan and the U.S. alike, is in reality exceedingly remote. Yet the real health risk is largely illusory. My wife […]

[:en]Fear Misplaced[:ja]見当違いの恐怖心[:]


[:en]Risk and risk perception are rarely equivalent, but if you lead an organization, yours must be one and the same. I write this as worldwide cases of coronavirus surpass 10,000, most of which are in China, and are certain to rise. While a frightening pathogen to be sure, the fears that coronavirus has provoked in […]
