




No one has a five-year strategy, or even a three-year strategy much less a twenty-year strategic plan. How much do you think Blackberry’s five-year strategy meant the day that Apple announced the iPhone? Business conditions are too unpredictable for most strategic plans to mean anything even beyond six months, and even that might be too long.








Many companies are struggling to find the qualified people they need, so they resort to retaining the people they have whether qualified or not. They fight to eliminate or at least reduce rates of attrition when it is increased attrition that can do the business the most good. Retention of the best is all that matters. Recently, the head of a large business unit of a major international company here in Japan told me that the company’s rate of attrition is of no particular concern to him, even though it is higher than industry average.


Don’t recruit. Poach. In a tight labor market, there is no percentage in tentativeness. If there is any time to go on the offense, it is now. I don’t know why recruiting firms call what they do a “search.” Who cares about a search? A search is easy, and often consists of little more than trawling through LinkedIn.



Years ago, I moved to Paris, started a business, and hired a French woman to help me with marketing. Early on, she and I met with a prospective customer, a vice president at a major publishing firm. I spoke and understood French but lacked the confidence to hold a business meeting in French at the time. So I let my new hire do the talking—and immediately regretted it. The vice president was skeptical of what we had to offer. My marketing manager diligently addressed his concerns. The vice president further criticized us and scoffed at our presumptions. My marketing manager argued back, her fervor growing. The vice president, indignant, pushed […]
