日本問題研究家にはなるべからず Japan-fatigue is real and can be fatal to your success and career. Don’t try to explain how Japan is different to executives in your head もっと読む
「CONVERSATION WITH ロドリゴ・リマ氏(ダノンジャパン株式会社代表取締役社長)」から学んだこと On February 6th, I was pleased to speak onstage with Danone Japan President Rodrigo Lima. Below are my takeaways from the conversation. もっと読む
「CONVERSATION WITH ニコライ・バーグマン氏(世界的に有名なフローラルアーティスト兼起業家)」から学んだこと On February 4th, I was pleased to speak onstage with Nicolai Bergmann, a world-renowned floral artist and entrepreneur. As we talked, Nicolai produced a beautiful もっと読む