[:en]Conversation with BMW Japan CEO[:ja]BMWジャパン代表取締役社長のインタビューから学んだこと[:]

[:en]On September 22nd, I conducted an on-stage conversation with BMW Group Japan CEO Peter Kronschnabl. This event, co-hosted by the American and German Chambers of Commerce, was attended by over one-hundred people on the fifty-first floor of Tokyo’s posh Roppongi Hills Club. While this event was off-the-record, I enumerate nine of my personal takeaways below from the […]

[:en]Kobe Steel vs. Japanese Culture[:ja]神戸製鋼と日本文化[:]

[:en] Bloomberg invited me to discuss the current situation with Kobe Steel and my take on Japanese culture and the role it plays (or does not) with respect to what is happening inside of corporations in Japan.   If you’d prefer to read this interview, the following transcript has been provided by Bloomberg:
