[:en]Culture Change Manifesto[:ja]企業改革宣言[:]

[:en]I define culture as norms of behaviors based on shared beliefs. When a leader says he or she wants to change the culture of his or her company, the ultimate goal is always to change norms of behaviors. If I want to understand the culture of a company, all I need to do is observe […]

[:en]Tsukiji, Sayonara[:ja]さようなら、築地[:]

[:en]Saturday, October 6th, marked the end of an eighty-year era as the Tsukiji fish market in Tokyo closes following its final tuna auction. The fish market has been moved to a new site in Toyosu about two kilometers away, and opened on October 11th. Tsukiji is undergoing a dramatic change.

[:en]The Anatomy of Misogyny[:ja]女性差別を分析すると[:]

[:en]The other week, Tokyo Medical University was revealed to have been deliberately boosting entrance test scores of male students to give them an advantage and to limit the number of female students since 2006. The motivation? Women shorten or halt their careers after becoming mothers, exacerbating staff shortage problems at hospitals. There is no real […]

[:en]Make Your Own Economy[:ja]景気は自分で作り出すもの[:]

[:en]Are you allowing the economy to dictate your results, or are you making your own economy? In 1995, in the aftermath of the Kobe earthquake in which five thousand people lost their lives, an American businessman told me that he had been advised to lower his expectations for the Japan market because Japanese consumers had […]

[:en]Change Discipline, Not Management[:]

[:en]The currency of discipline is choice, and that choice is yours to make. Change management is ostensibly a practice to help people in an organization make a transition as a result of a disruptive organization change. However, disruption need not be disruptive if disruption is part of your discipline.
