Coaching is the most effective means for rapid individual capability improvement. In fact, for both leadership and selling capabilities, coaching is the ONLY effective means for capability improvement. Training does not work.
- Is there a capability of an executive on your staff or yourself that you want to improve?
- Is there a behavior of an executive or yourself that you want to change?
If you answered yes to either of these questions, then it is coaching that you likely need.
You and I decide on the coaching objectives together. I hold whomever I coach accountable for progress against those objectives.
In sports, coaches push athletes to push themselves, do things beyond their comfort zone, challenge their pre-conceived notions and make them stretch their capabilities beyond what they had thought possible. A good coach supports and drives hard, and that is precisely what top athletes want and need.
So the chemistry between whomever I coach and me must be right. I will briefly with whomever I am to coach so we can ensure we are right for each other.