[:en]You Are Not Carlos Ghosn[:ja]あなたはカルロス・ゴーンにあらず[:]

[:en]Some have argued the reason for Carlos Ghosn’s legal trouble is for having pushed change too hard—that he crossed some kind of Japanese nationalistic redline in wanting to merge Nissan and Renault, giving the French company control over the Japanese entity. Had Ghosn been more conservative in his actions, they reason, he would not be […]

[:en]Culture Change Manifesto[:ja]企業改革宣言[:]

[:en]I define culture as norms of behaviors based on shared beliefs. When a leader says he or she wants to change the culture of his or her company, the ultimate goal is always to change norms of behaviors. If I want to understand the culture of a company, all I need to do is observe […]

[:en]Make Your Own Economy[:ja]景気は自分で作り出すもの[:]

[:en]Are you allowing the economy to dictate your results, or are you making your own economy? In 1995, in the aftermath of the Kobe earthquake in which five thousand people lost their lives, an American businessman told me that he had been advised to lower his expectations for the Japan market because Japanese consumers had […]
