Conversation with Porsche Japan Philipp von Witzendorff: Takeaways

On November 25th, I had the pleasure of conducting and onstage conversation with Porsche Japan Philipp von Witzendorff for the French, German, Canadian, and Australia New Zealand Chambers of Commerce in Japan. My takeaways are below:

  1. When leading dramatic change in Japan, commitment is achieved through continuous conversation after passive agreement upfront. Listening is two-way. Persistence is key.
  2. Dramatic change requires overcoming people’s anxiety. Nothing is more persuasive than real success. Show people success and growth, and the anxiety fades naturally.
  3. Just tell people the facts. Emotions are fickle and might rage, but incontrovertible facts calm and convince—even in Japan.
  4. People must believe in the products they sell to be successful—no matter the country or culture. Sales scripts without the belief in the value proposed will fail, regardless of sales training.
  5. In previous generations, driving cars represented a milestone in individual freedom to young people. These days, young people view freedom as embodied by something else. To appeal, one must find what that something else is.
  6. Cars are no longer the status symbol they once were.
  7. Chinese electric vehicle manufacturers will pose a formidable competitive threat to other global manufacturers in terms of technology, IT integration, and price. Their market share outside of China is minuscule but growing fast. Their achilles heal is lack of brand power in overseas markets.
  8. Every staff person has something valuable to contribute that might or might not be related to his or her formal role. A good leader knows how to use peoples individual strengths.
  9. The key to rapid growth in revenues and profit is far more about improvements in process rather than changes in product.
  10. Combustion engines will not disappear quickly despite changes in the market. Too many owners love and want to keep their combustion engine cars for years to come, and an industry to support them is sprouting naturally.
  11. Tariffs might be disruptive but they are a losing proposition. Market forces are too strong, and manufacturers will roll with the changes and endure.

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