
data analyis


[:en]Sales is a Noble Profession[:ja]営業とは崇高な職業である[:]

sales meeting

[:en]In a small Tokyo sales office of a Kansai-based company, the sales manager in charge habitually turns away sales people from other companies who call unannounced as a matter of course. It doesn’t matter what they have to offer or whom they would like to meet. He is uninterested. The office is small enough that when the sales manager sends a visitor packing, it is in full view of staff. Yet when his own sales people make the same kind of calls on a prospect company, the sales manager expects that at least his sales people will be received, heard, and possibly connected with the right person who can judge […]


Imagine enquiring about membership at a local gym, and a staff member asks, “What health problems do you suffer from, morbid obesity or something else?” How would you feel about that gym, assuming, like most people, you are fit but could stand to lose some weight and build muscle?


I once cured my lifelong phobia of spiders by moving to Australia. When I stepped off the plane in Sydney, my phobia was instantly transformed into a rational fear! I improved my condition without having to change anything about myself. As absurd as that sounds, you would be surprised how often people ask me how to do the same for themselves.

[:en]Don’t Push Back, Push Forward[:ja]拒否の代わりに推し進める方向で[:]

[:en] A CEO client of mine asked for advice on pressure he was receiving from the head office for a dramatic increase in sales targets for the coming year. He has successfully grown business consistently every year at a faster rate than any other country’s operation within the group. His managers now want more — a typical situation for many of my clients.
