[:en]The Acumen of Gender Diversity[:ja]ジェンダー・ダイバーシティーについての洞察[:]

gender diversity

[:en] Most global companies outside of Japan have targets for increasing numbers of women employees, particularly in management. And even in Japan where women are often given short shrift, more global companies now have such targets as well. However, the leaders of the most successful companies I know achieve their objective by doing things right that have nothing to do with women at all, and their businesses and all staff, both men and women, are better off as a result. If you are the leader of a business in Japan or anywhere else, whether your business is subject to diversity targets or not, below is what I advise.


3 Pillars of Change Traction

[:en]If you want traction for change among individuals in your organization, it is only when there are clear standards of performance or behavior, accountability to meet them, and support to help people succeed that a change can take hold. In my experience, a deficit in any one of these three will alter the way any change is treated and viewed, and will lose traction as a result.

[:en]Fairness to All in Firing[:ja]解雇することが全員にとってフェアである場合[:]

you are fired

[:en]An executive I was asked to coach told me how she was at wits end trying without success to get a manager on her staff in a significant role to work with an important segment of customers. She did her best to explain to the manager why working with this segment is important to the business and to coach the manager in how to go about working with such customers. The executive made herself available for advice should the manager get stuck and need help, and asked the manager about concerns that she might help address. The executive was doing all the right things time and time again—all to no […]

[:en]Be Unreasonable[:ja]理不尽であれ[:]

Businessmen negotiating

[:en]Strategy is about creating the future, not predicting it. You develop strategy by starting with a bold vision of the business in the future and working backwards, not by an understanding of the present business and working forward. The latter merely entices you to compromise your vision. It is only the former that can take you where you want to go.

[:en]Empowerment for Adults[:ja]エンパワーメントとは[:]


[:en]I define empowerment as an employee’s ability to effect a business outcome through his or her individual work—and having the will to do so. In the video below, I explain what you need to make empowerment a reality in your business. No theory. No slogans. No HR-esque platitudes. Just practical advice based on actual experience for a business leader like you.


Man holding strategy arrow

The best military strategists always choose the terrain on which they will do battle, rather than allowing the enemy to choose for them. So, in business, why would you possibly allow others to define the topography of your business environment instead of choosing the topography yourself? Yet, that is often precisely what business people do.
