[:en]Conversation with BMW Japan CEO[:ja]BMWジャパン代表取締役社長のインタビューから学んだこと[:]

[:en]On September 22nd, I conducted an on-stage conversation with BMW Group Japan CEO Peter Kronschnabl. This event, co-hosted by the American and German Chambers of Commerce, was attended by over one-hundred people on the fifty-first floor of Tokyo’s posh Roppongi Hills Club. While this event was off-the-record, I enumerate nine of my personal takeaways below from the conversation with the insightful, innovative and consummate international business leader, Peter Kronschnabl.

[:en]Kobe Steel vs. Japanese Culture[:ja]神戸製鋼と日本文化[:]

[:en] Bloomberg invited me to discuss the current situation with Kobe Steel and my take on Japanese culture and the role it plays (or does not) with respect to what is happening inside of corporations in Japan.   If you’d prefer to read this interview, the following transcript has been provided by Bloomberg:

[:en]Big Consequences of Tolerating Small Infractions[:ja]たとえ小さくとも、違反は大きな影響を及ぼすもの[:]

[:en] Illicit and unethical behavior should never be tolerated, even if the impact is small. For example, if a manager is padding company expenses for personal gain, you really have no choice but to fire the manager, even if it is for less than a few hundred dollars per year. That can be a hard decision to make when the manager’s performance is high, such as a top salesperson, but it is the right decision. It is a matter of judgement and leadership of the manager rather than a cost-benefit analysis of the infraction.

[:en]Implementing Your Strategic Direction[:]

[:en] Steve shares ways that organizations can successfully implement their strategic direction. These include having great communication among your organization, at all levels, hold people accountable, provide resources, celebrating victories early and often and use informal meetings as opposed to just reports and statistics to keep a clear eye on your progress. [:]
