
[:en]Fear Misplaced[:ja]見当違いの恐怖心[:]

[:en]Risk and risk perception are rarely equivalent, but if you lead an organization, yours must be one and the same.

I write this as worldwide cases of coronavirus surpass 10,000, most of which are in China, and are certain to rise. While a frightening pathogen to be sure, the fears that coronavirus has provoked in people in other countries are beyond rational, as are the changes in their behavior.

In response to Coronavirus, Japanese health authorities have advised people to wash their hands, avoid large crowds particularly in enclosed places, and wear a surgical mask when out in public. This happens to be exactly the same advice given for avoiding contraction of influenza, which is far more prevalent and more deadly in Japan and in most other countries, including China. Already, deaths from influenza in Japan are in the thousands this season, and numbers of cases of just contraction will be three orders of magnitude greater than that before the season is over.

Yet rarely during a flu season have I ever witnessed surgical masks sell out in stores in Japan like I did last week, even though their effectiveness to prevent contraction of any airborne virus, even influenza, is questionable at best. Crowds in the Tsukiji outer market where I often spend my early mornings never subside during a flu season. Yet early morning Friday last week, Tsukiji was eerily devoid of patrons, both locals and tourists from afar. As I move about Tokyo, people seem to be more conscientious than usual about washing hands and using those hand disinfectant pumps courteously placed in public commercial areas and company reception rooms.

Among the people who have changed their behavior due to the coronavirus pandemic are also people who continue to smoke, people who continue to text while driving, continue to do nothing about their obesity, and will go back to not washing their hands, not wearing surgical masks, and mingling in large crowds during flu season once the coronavirus pandemic has run its course. It is often the greatest real risks to which we are most inured.

At one client company of mine, a finance department would routinely delay orders from new customers in order to investigate their financial soundness, even though in fifteen years, even before new customers were investigated as a matter of policy, there had only been one case of bad debt in an amount of about one million yen, or ten thousand dollars, on annual revenues in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Some orders were lost and some new customers were lost needlessly, and as a result, the sales people routinely preferred to avoid developing new customer relationships. So how many millions of dollars in lost opportunity every year was prompted from mitigating an infinitesimal risk of losing ten thousand?

In other companies, I have witnessed leaders being tentative in advancing much needed strategic change because of the risk of damaging employee engagement as measured by employee engagement survey scores. In one company I know, a strategic change initiative was scaled back because of a drop in engagement scores. Yet in my experience, implementation of any kind of bold strategic change is always accompanied by a rough period of uncertainty and dissatisfaction among at least some staff, often immediately reflected in engagement survey results. This dip is typically short-lived until the changes take hold and the business begins to experience success. Success is a powerful driver of engagement, whereas it is chronic mediocrity and lackluster results that most often drive disengagement on a large scale. Regardless of measures of employee engagement, which course of action do you think poses the greatest real business risk to a company? Leadership tentativeness or boldness in change?

All human activity, including business, is fraught with risk as is life itself. When confronted with the new and unknown, people are often apt to imagine the worst. As leader, it is incumbent upon you to keep risk in perspective, when others do not, and to ensure at least for yourself that real risk and your perception of it are in sync.

As leader, it is incumbent upon you to keep risk in perspective, when others do not, and to ensure at least for yourself that real risk and your perception of it are in sync. Share on X

After all, if you don’t, how can you expect the people you lead to do so in your stead?[:ja]実際のリスクとそのリスクの捉えられ方が一致する事は滅多にないことではありますが、企業のリーダーにとっては一致しなければならないものです。








いくら周りが自分の考えるリスクばかりしか見えなくなった時でも、リスクの全体像をしっかり捉え、本物のリスクと自分が捉えているリスクを一致させることは、リーダーの責任である。 Share on X



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Conversation with Danone Japan President Rodrigo Lima

Join us for an exclusive conversation with Rodrigo Lima, President of Danone Japan. I will interview him onstage to start a conversation, and then invite the audience to ask their own questions, providing ample time for you to ask yours. There will be no slides, speeches, or presentations—just provocative, unscripted conversation.

Date: Thursday, February 6, 2025
Time: 12:00
Location: L’Espace@CCIFJ (Nihonbashi-Honcho YS Building Chuo-ku, Nihombashi-Honcho 2-2-2, 103-0023, Tokyo)

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